
Read Ch. 15 and complete an individual integrative paper addressing your personal theoretical orientation to counseling.

Read Ch. 15 and complete an individual integrative paper addressing your personal theoretical orientation to counseling. 4 pages minium 

  • Key concepts of your approach
  • View of your role as a counselor
  • Therapeutic goals and how you would decide upon goals
  • Relationship issues you are likely to consider
  • Central techniques you are likely to employ
  • How you would address issues of cultural diversity
  • Address specific issues as outlined in the textbook

This paper should attempt to integrate as many concepts and techniques based upon two or more of the counseling models. My suggestion is to take a primary theory – one that comes closest to your beliefs – as your theory of choice and then branch out showing how you would draw techniques from several other theoretical approaches. Be sure to state WHY you select a particular theory as your main theory. Show how you could bring in ideas and techniques from the various theories you have studied into your own integrative theoretical stance.  

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1. Quality Writing Skills & Format Requirements (2.5 Points)

  • Make sure your paper reflects university-level writing skills:
    • Write in Standard English
    • Use complete sentences
    • Develop your paragraphs
    • Check your spelling
    • Put together a paper that reflects quality
    • Ask someone to proofread your paper
  • Page requirements include:
    • 1 Title Page
    • 1 Abstract Page
    • 3-5 Content Pages (Literature Review and Discussion)
    • 1 Reference Page
  • Paper must be in APA format:
    • Papers must be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font.
    • Margins must be 1-inch on all sides and extra spacing between paragraphs is not
    • The first sentence of every paragraph must be indented ½ an inch.
    • Include a page header at the top of every page.
    • In-Text citations of references.

2. Theme Development (2.5 Points)

  • Look for a central theme for your paper. I suggest that you make an outline, and check to see that each point in your outline pertains to your central message.
  • Create a title for your paper that conveys your basic idea.
  • State your message clearly and concisely in your opening paragraph.
  • Have a solid and impactful concluding paragraph.
  • The theme should be clear, concise, and specific rather than global and generalized. Do not write in a general and abstract manner, or else your paper will lose a clear focus.
  • Develop your thoughts fully, concretely, and logically rather than rambling or being vague.
  • In terms of form and organization, your paper should flow well, and your points should relate to one another. The reader should not have to struggle to understand your intended meaning.
  • Give reasons for your views rather than making unsupported statements. When you take a position, provide reasons for your position.
  • Cover a few issues or ideas well and in depth, rather than spreading yourself too thin.

3. Creativity (5 Points)

  • The use of personal examples is encouraged when appropriate to support your points.
  • Write a paper that reflects your uniqueness and ideas rather than merely giving a summary of the material in the textbook.
  • Do not make your papers mere summaries, rather focus on a clear position that you take on a specific question or issue.
  • Approach the material in an original way.
  • Focus on a particular issue or topic that you find personally significant. Since you have a choice in what aspect to focus on, select an aspect of a problem that will allow you to express your beliefs.
  • Show depth in expanding on your thoughts.

4. Integration and Application (5 Points)

  • Your papers should emphasize an integration of perspectives and an application of theory to practice.
  • Demonstrate that you know the material or the issues involved through an integration and synthesis of theories, accurate understanding of theoretical concepts, critical evaluation of theories, and ability to apply ideas to practical situations.
  • If you are writing a theory essay, focus on those specific aspects of the theory that you’d most like to incorporate into your own style of counseling. Stress the implications for counseling practice. Rather than writing merely about a theoretical issue, show how this issue has meaning in a counseling situation.
  • Apply your ideas to specific populations with whom you expect to work – both in counseling and non-counseling situations. You may want to apply your essays to teaching, working with older adults, working in corrections, working with adolescents, etc. Make these a personal and meaningful experience.
  • In writing about a case, be sure to show that you can apply several approaches or perspectives to this case. Work with the case by attempting to combine a number of perspectives

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