
PSYC 110 Week 3 Chapter 5 Study Plan NEW

1) Which of the following would be considered negative reinforcement?

2) A typical use of applied behavior analysis is:

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3) After having many cavities fixed as a child, Kyle now has an active dislike of the dentist’s drill. His tendency to become anxious when hearing a similar-sounding noise is termed:

4) Whenever Vernon comes home too late on a Saturday night, his parents refuse to give him his weekly allowance. Vernon’s parents are using what technique to modify his behavior?

5) After a lengthy period during which the UCS was not applied, Pavlois dogs stopped responding to the metronome. If a weaker conditioned response to the metronome occurred at some point after this, it would be a demonstration of:

6) This scientist conducted research to establish the theory known as cognitive perspective.

7) The response that is given to the conditioned stimulus is not usually quite as strong as the original unconditioned response _______.

8) In his classical conditioning experiment, Pavlov’s dogs were conditioned to salivate when they:

9) The cognitive perspective of classical conditioning involves:

10) Changes such as an increase in height or the size of the brain are called:

11) Further studies that followed KOhler’s work with chimpanzees:

12) In his study of rats in mazes, Tolman concluded that the rats in the group that did not receive reinforcement for solving the maze had:

13) Which of the following individuals believed that cognition was an important part of behavior?

14) The learning/performance distinction is a kind of:

15) Which psychologist is best known for working with children and a Bobo doll to study whether aggressive behavior is learned by watching others be aggressive?

16) The four elements of observational learning are attention, memory, , and__________.

17) A behavior is more resistant to extinction if it is:

18) One of B. F. Skinner’s famous experiments involved:

19) A recent study suggests a link between spanking and:

20) Small steps in behavior that are reinforced, one after the other, to create a particular goal behavior are known as:

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