Elder Abuse
The older adults are the most vulnerable population in the world after children. Many elderly people are subjected to abuse mostly in their homes, relatives’ homes, or even in facilities entitled to take care of them. Abuse of older adults is continually increasing hence posing serious drawbacks in the society. However, due to high un-reported cases, the actual incidence of abuse is not known. The failure to have a uniform reporting system contributes to difficulties in determining the scope of abuse (Pillemer, Burnes, Riffin & Lachs, 2016). There are various types of abuse including but not limited to physical abuse, abandonment, financial/material exploitation, sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse of the elderly refers to non-accidental, and use of excessive force against older adults is hence resulting in physical pain, impairment, or injury. Older adults are physically weak, hence they are unable to defend themselves if attacked, fight back, or even stand up to bullying. This vulnerable population is also prone to many chronic and lifestyle diseases. In addition, they may not hear, see, or think as soundly as they used to, leaving opportunities for deceitful persons to take advantage of their health status (Jackson & Hafemeister, 2013). In addition, physical and mental disorders may make them more challenging for the people who live with them. Therefore, many elderly people around the globe are being harmed or abused in various ways by individuals who are directly accountable for their care.
In the United States, there are more than half a million reported cases of abuse against older Americans every year, whereas other millions go unreported. Physical abuse may include striking the older persons with an object or bare hands. It can also involve biting, pushing, beating, shaking, burning shoving, kicking, or slapping the person. In addition, physical abuse may incorporate the improper use of drugs, force-feeding, physical punishment, or use physical confinement or restraints. Signs and symptoms of physical abuse of older adults include having broken bones, unexplained cuts, bruising, lacerations, marks from ropes, open wounds, welts, dislocations, sprains, and skull fractures.
Psychological Abuse
Psychological/emotional abuse is typically an act against older adults that lead to emotional distress, pain, or anguish. Common forms include insulting the person, harassment, verbal assaults, humiliating the elder, ridiculing, scape-goating, intimidating the elder, or even threatening the elder. During psychological abuse, the older adult is often isolated and taken like a child and he is neglected opportunities to participate in activities such as meeting with friends and relatives (Jackson & Hafemeister, 2013). Psychological abuse may also involve subjecting the older adult to silent treatment or even isolating them from social gatherings.
Signs of psychological/emotional abuse include the older person being unresponsive, withdrawn, or not communicating. In addition, the persons seem emotionally upset or agitated and reflect unusual behavior that imitates dementia. There is also signs of emotional or verbal maltreatment.
How to Protect the Elderly from Abuse
No matter how old an individual is, he/she deserve respect and fair treatment because he/she is a full member of the community. Therefore, to reduce the risk of continued abuse, there is a need to put in place systems that encourage community services and supports to minimize risks associated to social isolation (Pillemer et al., 2016). In addition, the state should set aside fund to train individuals working in aging-related care in order to create awareness about all forms of abuse. This help to minimize chances of physical or emotional abuse by professionals because they are legally accountable. Besides, identifying ways to empower and motivate older adults in intergenerational programs and senior centers will reduce the adverse effects of ageism such as stereotype and biases in access to quality care.
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