Contrast Two Nursing Theories Essay Sample

Nursing requires daily. hourly and even up to the minute undertakings and inside informations. The nurse is reactive and supportive. lovingness and efficient. It may be overpowering to maintain up with the many activities of day-to-day nursing. But being professional nurse is all that and more. It means that you have an internal roadmap to patient attention. a usher that helps you achieve good results. This is where nursing theory comes in. Nursing theory can assist you with open and covert jobs. every bit good as inform your nursing determinations. In the two surveies that I read. each used a really different theory to steer their nursing attention. That is because nursing is so diverse. and we are fortunate to hold had many beacons of light come before us in the signifier of Grand Theorists. I chose to contrast the Nicely article ( 2011 ) . utilizing Virginia Henderson’s theory. with the Merrit article ( 2010 ) . utilizing Hildegard Peplau’s theory.
Virginia Henderson’s theory centres around immediate attention of the physical demands of the patient and household. stressing deep lovingness. Nicely’s article organizes patient attention for the brain-dead patient harmonizing to Henderson’s 14 nursing support activities that were intended to make independency for the sick patient. Nicely argues that these activities are besides appropriate for the brain-dead patient for of import grounds. The brain-dead patient should be treated with the same attention as if the patient were to populate. because the patient’s variety meats will so populate on and be harvested if the patient is treated right. Correctly. harmonizing to Henderson’s theory is to back up 14 activities. some of which are “eating and drinking” . “elimination of organic structure waste” . “select suited frock and undress” and “desirable position. slumber and rest” . to call a few.
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It seems implausible to conceive of that Henderson had anything in head other than the “live” patient when she penned her theory. and the interesting turn here is the usage of this theory for the patient who has expired. The theory is practical and instantly applicable. doing it a good pick for the acute state of affairs of recent brain-death. Brain decease and subsequent organ reaping benefit from a clear route map that has really small divergences and is universally applicable. But the attention of the patient who presents with mental wellness demands requires a theory that encompasses long-run attention. We have come to larn that mental wellness does non hold a one-size-fits-all speedy solution. Hildegard Peplau argues that the patient will profit most when the nurse takes on specific functions to pattern for the patient.
Peplau emphasizes “the individual instead than the problem” . and focuses on the “shared humanity” between patient and nurse. In Merrit’s instance survey. the nurse adopts the seven functions proposed by Peplau. some of which are “The alien role” . “The resource role” . “The learning role” . and others. These functions are carefully delineated. so as to supply an instruction for all nurses on the “interpersonal relations” between patient and nurse. In Merrit’s instance survey. these interpersonal dealingss form the footing for mending. which takes topographic point over an drawn-out period of clip.
Peplau’s theory guides the writers of the survey to derive patient trust. supply advocate. educate. refer and heal. The theory allows for this to go on over clip. The nature of mental wellness requires self -inquiry for both patient and nurse. and clip for self-reflection. Henderson’s theoretical account would non be equal for this type of nursing. The scientific discipline of nursing is fortunate to hold assorted theories to pull from for diverse nursing state of affairss.
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Nicely. B. . & A ; DeLario. G. T. ( 2011 ) . Virginia Henderson’s rules and practiceof nursing applied to organ contribution after encephalon decease. Advancement in Transplantation. 21 ( 1 ) . 72-77. ( Links to an external site. )
Merritt. M. K. . & A ; Procter. N. ( 2010 ) . Gestating the functional function of mental wellness consultation–liaison nurse in multi-morbidity. utilizing Peplau’s nursing theory. Contemporary Nurse 34 ( 2 ) . 158–166. ( Links to an external site. )
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Contrast Two Nursing Theories Essay Sample
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