
BSN4020 Full Course Latest 2017 March

BSN4020 Full Course Latest 2017 March

BSN4020 Unit 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March

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BSN4020 Unit 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March

During your BSN program, you have been
introduced to the importance of using an evidence-based model for practice. In
this discussion, you will explore evidence-based techniques and strategies that
can be used when conducting health assessments by reflecting on the following

Based on your independent research, identify
and discuss existing best practices for conducting a health assessment.

  • Identify
    and discuss key factors included in an assessment at various levels
    (community, group, or individual).
  • Analyze
    the impact of information systems, technology, and telecommunication on
    direct and indirect patient care and nursing practice in relation to
    conducting a health assessment.

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one peer, offering
constructive feedback or opportunities to extend the discussion.

dq 2

Assessment Strategies in Professional Practice


As part of your Unit 3 assignment, you will be
asked to conduct an assessment of a particular population. For this discussion,
consider the following questions:

1. What
population are you considering choosing and why?

2. What
are the key factors you intend to include in your assessment?

3. How
will you use your knowledge of assessment to complete this particular

4. What
additional challenges might you face based on the population you have selected?

Feel free to ask your peers to help with any
questions you might have, give advice or counsel on a particular direction you
want to go, or consult with them in any other way you would find helpful.


Respond to at least one of your peers.
Collaboration is often the key to good outcomes. Offer questions to clarify
thinking, observations to expand thinking, and encouragement to keep forward

Unit 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March

dq 1

Role of Communication, Collaboration, and Teamwork


For a patient to have an optimal outcome, it
requires the expertise and cooperation of many individuals. Effective
communication, collaboration, and teamwork are critical elements to the welfare
of our patients. For this discussion, consider the following:

  • Identify
    key factors that enhance communication.
  • Describe
    potential barriers to communication.
  • Explore
    how communication can impact a patient’s experience both positively and

Discuss the Joint Commission’s stance on
communication and identify tools that can be used to promote patient safety.
What have you seen in professional practice? If you have not had the
opportunity to witness this, what communication strategies could be used to enhance
patient safety?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

dq 2

in a Multidisciplinary Team


Identify and discuss key elements to
functioning effectively in a collaborative team environment.

  • In
    terms of patient outcomes, identify the benefits to multidisciplinary
  • Describe
    the challenges that might arise when working with a diverse group of

    • Consider
      the variety of backgrounds, educational levels, professional roles,
      personalities, et cetera.
  • Describe
    the team that will be the audience of your presentation.

    • As
      you think about your Health Assessment presentation, what challenges
      might the team present?
    • What
      elements do you think will come into play to function effectively with
      this group?
    • What
      things will you particularly have to pay attention to?
  • Describe
    how might you adjust your presentation to effectively communicate with
    this group of people.

    • What
      are several strategies that you can identify to help overcome these
      challenges in an effort to enhance professionalism and foster optimal
      patient outcomes?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one learner. What can you
add to their general discussion? What counsel can you give for their particular

Unit 3 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention


In an effort to improve patient outcomes,
healthcare providers have begun to shift their mindset from one of treating a
disease or disorder to promotion of health and disease prevention. For this
discussion, select a specific population and consider the following:

  • Identify
    the population you will be working with.
  • Based
    on current literature, discuss strategies to identify the specific needs
    of your selected population.

    • What
      are the fundamental concepts of health promotion and disease prevention?
  • Discuss
    the positive and negative factors that can affect health promotion and
    disease prevention in your selected population.

    • Can
      you identify any cultural, psychological, or spiritual factors that may
      influence the health promotion and disease prevention of this population?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March

dq 1



Identify the culturally diverse population you
have selected for your Unit 5 assignment.

  • Provide
    background information and characteristics of this group.
  • Identify
    areas of concern derived from your assessment of this group.
  • What
    are the basic concepts of health promotion and disease prevention?
  • Explain
    both the positive and negative factors that can affect health promotion
    and wellness for these populations in general, and the one you are
    focusing on in particular.
  • What
    barriers to communication may be present, and how might you overcome them?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

dq 2



To provide quality healthcare to the entire
population, healthcare workers and educators must be competent in their
understanding of the relevant characteristics for the ethnic groups
represented. This is true both of individuals and of the organizational culture
as a whole. For this discussion, consider the following:

  • What
    is cultural competence and what are its benefits to the patient, staff,
    and healthcare organization?
  • Identify
    evidence-based strategies that organizations could employ to establish and
    maintain cultural competence.
  • What
    barriers exist regarding cultural competence and how might they be
  • Describe
    the cultural competence of your organization. How might it affect the
    content of or quality of the outcome of your Unit 5 assignment?
  • Reflect
    on your personal cultural competence. What things will you personally need
    to be aware of as you complete your Unit 5 assignment?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 5 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March

and Public Health Nursing


Historically, nurses have made significant
contributions to the field of public health. Today, nurses continue to have a
key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local,
national, and international health issues. For this discussion, consider the

  • How
    do local healthcare decisions and practices impact global health and
    healthcare delivery?
  • Discuss
    commonalities and barriers to effective healthcare practices at the local,
    national, and global levels.
  • Explain
    the impact of policies, regulations, and laws on the ability to
    effectively provide healthcare services for specific populations.
  • What
    organizations serve as resources and how can the information they provide
    assist us with caring for clients?
  • What
    are your strategies for maintaining current awareness of trends in health
    concerns and best practices? How might you assist with policy development
    and implementation related to current health concerns?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate. Consider using journal sources in
the field of global wellness, disease prevention, and international nursing.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March

dq 1



Healthcare quality standards are critical and
provide a baseline against which measurement and evaluation are assessed. There
are common performance measurement selection criteria for determining the
standards. In addition, it is essential that organizations track their trends
in quality improvement measurements in order to continue the improvement
process. For this discussion, consider the following:

  • Identify,
    compare, and contrast 2–3 external organizations that analyze quality
  • Offer
    a brief description of the unit or organization where you work or have worked
    in the past.
  • Identify
    and describe one healthcare quality standard that is applicable to your
  • How
    does the performance of your unit or organization measure against local,
    regional, or national standards?
  • What
    process is in place to monitor your unit or organization’s progress, and
    is this information disseminated to the staff? If so, how?
  • Identify
    strategies that could maintain or improve your unit’s current quality

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

dq 2

Safety Initiatives


In an effort to maintain a healing and caring
environment, one of the most important things we can do for our clients is to
ensure their safety. Engaging in quality assurance and process improvement
strategies are one way to do this, but there are many others as well. For this
discussion, consider the following:

  • Identify
    one patient safety initiative that is in place or would be helpful in your
    unit or organization.
  • What
    led you or your organization to this selection? What role do you think the
    risk management department plays in patient safety?
  • How
    does (or could) your unit or organization measure its success with this
  • What
    indirect impact could this initiative have (financial, satisfaction, and
    so on)?
  • What
    strategies will you now incorporate into your daily practice to improve
    patient outcomes in terms of fostering patient safety?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 7 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March

on Nursing Research and Technology


Many times it is not enough to simply produce
a good idea that you think may work to help patients. In order for an
initiative to truly have a positive impact on the patient, you must explore the
“why” behind it. This is where nursing research and evidence-based
practice become essential to improving patient outcomes. In addition, recent
developments in technology can help us reach our goals faster and more

For this discussion, reflect on the safety
initiative identified in the Unit 6 discussion Patient Safety Initiatives and
consider the following:

  • What
    evidence in the literature supports your identified safety initiative?
  • How
    can the data from the initiative’s success measures be used to improve
    your processes or potentially help another organization dealing with the
    same issue?
  • What
    role can nurses play in the data collection and analysis process?
  • What
    technology modalities are, or may be, beneficial to your selected safety
    initiative, and why?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 8 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 March

dq 1

Policy and Financial Considerations


As future leaders in the nursing profession,
it is critical that you understand the scope and role of policy and finance in
relationship to individual and population outcomes. For this discussion,
consider the following:

  • Where
    can you find current trends in policy and finance as they apply to
    healthcare in general? To your area specifically?
  • Analyze
    the relationship between legislative processes and their impact on
    healthcare financing and service delivery systems.
  • Analyze
    how financial reimbursement affects quality of care, and conversely, how
    quality of care affects financial reimbursement.
  • Analyze
    the roles individual nurses and professional organizations play in
    influencing health policy.

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

dq 2

Influence of Regulatory Agencies in Healthcare


There are many regulatory bodies (both
internal and external to an organization) that influence policy, standards and
guidelines, and the scope of practice. For this discussion, consider the

  • Discuss
    two regulatory entities that directly influence care delivery on your unit
    or at your organization.
  • How
    can organizations stay abreast of current changes in regulations,
    standards, scope of practice, and so on? How should this information be
    communicated to the healthcare team?
  • Analyze
    nursing leadership’s role in maintaining compliance with current
  • How
    will you apply your knowledge of regulatory agency compliance to your
    professional practice?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least two of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 9 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March

Analysis and Change Implementation


To effectively implement any change within a
healthcare organization, a thorough analysis of the organization is an
essential first step. For this discussion, consider the following:

  • Discuss
    the difference between microsystems and macrosystems.
  • Describe
    the organizational structure of your healthcare facility.
  • How
    are decisions made in your organization? Is the decision process
    centralized or decentralized?
  • Discuss
    the incentives and forces that drive a shift toward quality improvement in
  • Analyze
    how standards and performance measurement can be used to promote quality
  • What
    would be the process to initiate, implement, and sustain a process
    improvement change in your organization?

    • What
      barriers might be encountered and how could they be overcome?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 10 Discussion 1 Latest 2017 March

Professional Role


Throughout your curriculum, you have been
provided with the knowledge and tools to make a tremendous difference and
contribution to the profession of nursing. As this course comes to an end,
reflect on how your practice has already changed because of your new skill
sets, and imagine the potential you still possess. For this discussion,
consider the following:

  • How
    has your perception of your professional role changed through your
    educational journey?
  • How
    might you highlight or validate your acquired skill sets for a potential
    or current employer?
  • Offer
    1–2 examples of how you will apply the lessons you have learned with
    respect to patient advocacy, quality of care, and patient safety.
  • Discuss
    1–2 concerns you may have, and identify how you might initiate a change
    within your organization to solve these problems.
  • What
    are your plans for remaining aware of current best practices in your area
    of interest or expertise?

Be sure to support your discussion with
references to the literature as appropriate.


Respond to at least one of your peers,
offering constructive feedback or opportunities for further discussion.

Unit 3 Assignment 1 Latest 2017 March

Assessment and Communication


This assignment is the first component of your
Professional Development Portfolio.

Conduct a health assessment of a particular
population and create an audience-appropriate PowerPoint presentation in which
you distribute the results of the assessment.

This component allows you to demonstrate your
proficiency for Program Outcomes 1 and 5:

  • Program Outcome 1:Health
    Assessment: Conduct comprehensive and focused assessments of health and
    illness parameters in individuals, groups, and vulnerable populations.
  • Program Outcome 5:Communication:
    Communicate effectively with all members of the healthcare team, including
    interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration for quality

Part 1

Conduct a health assessment of a population of
your choice.

  • To
    accomplish this, describe the key factors that make up an assessment at
    each of the following levels:

    • Community.
    • Group.
    • Individual.
  • Explain
    the process for completing a comprehensive health assessment.
  • Complete
    the assessment.
  • Write
    a completed a 3–5 page summary of the results of the health assessment and
    an explanation of the process you used to conduct it. Be sure to include a
    brief description of the population you selected.

Part II

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you
present your health assessment to your colleagues in one of the following
venues that most closely resembles something you might do in your current
clinical setting:

1. Multidisciplinary
team rounds.

2. An
in-service for team members.

3. A
meeting of key stakeholders to conduct a multidisciplinary assessment of your
selected client population.

To accomplish this, think about the
characteristics of the audience you will be presenting your information to:

  • What
    type of information would be appropriate for this group?
  • What
    style of presentation might get the information across in the best way?
  • In
    the notes section of the first slide, describe the characteristics of your
    target audience.
  • In
    the notes section of eachsubsequent
    slide, explain why you are including the information presented on the
    slide, and support your information with valid scholarly resources.
  • The
    final slide should be the reference list for the resources you used in
    your presentation.
  • There
    is no required number of slides for the PowerPoint presentation, but you
    should be sure you address the health assessment as completely as possible
    for your target audience.


  • A
    title page and reference page for each part.
  • Resources:At least three
    current scholarly or professional resources (a total of three needed for
    both parts).
  • Format:All references
    must be presented in current APA format.
  • Font (Part 1 only):Times New Roman,
    12 point.

Read the Health Assessment and Communication
Scoring Guide to see how you will be graded on this assignment. You will have a
chance to revise this assessment before submitting it as part of your final

You are requiredto
submit your assignment (Part I only) to the Turnitin source matching tool.
After receiving your Turnitin report make sure you submit both the report and
your Health Assessment and Communication paper in the assignment area. Submitting your assignment to Turnitin does not mean
you have submitted the assignment to the instructor.

Submit in the assignment area:

  • A
    completed a 3–5 page summary of the results of the health assessment and
    an explanation of the process you used to conduct it.
  • Your
    PowerPoint presentation with slide notes to your instructor that explain
    your reasons for both including the information you included and the way
    you chose to present the information.
  • Turnitin
    Report for Part 1.

Unit 5 Assignment 1 Latest 2017 March

Promotion and Disease Prevention


Like your first assignment, this assignment
also has two distinct parts. For Part 1, you will create an educational
program, event, or piece of literature (such as a like a pamphlet) targeted at
a diverse population that incorporates best health promotion and disease
prevention practice. If the population you used for the health assessment and
communication assessment is diverse, you can use that population and the health
concerns you identified.

In this component, you will demonstrate your
proficiency in Program Outcomes 7, 8,and 10:

  • Program Outcome 7:Health Promotion
    and Disease Prevention: Apply and incorporate a basic understanding of the
    concepts of health promotion and disease as a means of improving health at
    the individual, population, and community levels.
  • Program Outcome 8:Diversity:
    Incorporate a holistic, caring, culturally appropriate nursing approach
    that contributes to the wellness and the health of individuals, groups,
    and vulnerable populations.
  • Program Outcome 10:Global
    Accountability and Public Service: Integrate a holistic approach to local,
    regional, national, and global dynamics in nursing healthcare system

To prepare for this part of the assignment:

  • Review
    the literature or use health assessments to determine healthcare needs of
    a diverse population in your community.
  • Explore
    things that could influence success, such as cultural attitudes towards
    alternative forms of healing, religious beliefs, or other individuals.
  • Examine
    the impact of current health promotion and wellness initiatives on health
    outcomes and health disparities.
  • Review
    the literature to identify best practices.

For the second part of the assignment, you
will explain how you developed your educational program, event, or piece of
literature, and address any barriers to disease prevention and health promotion
for the population.

Part 1

Once you have identified a diverse population,
develop an educational program, event, or piece of literature that promotes
wellness and disease prevention. If you choose an educational program or event,
be sure that you outline the basic content of the program or event, and how you
would structure it. If you choose a piece of literature, be deliberate in the
points you highlight. Be sure that your choice is appropriate for the

For an educational program or event, you will
prepare and submit an outline of the content and structure. For a brochure or
pamphlet, you will prepare and submit the brochure or pamphlet.

Part II

In this section of the assignment:

  • Explain
    the reason you choose the educational strategy you did. Why is it an
    effective strategy for the population?
  • Describe
    cultural barriers to disease prevention and health promotion in the
    population. This might include things such as CAM, language, religious
    beliefs and so on.
  • Explain
    how your educational strategy can help overcome some of the barriers you
  • Evaluate
    how well health promotion and wellness strategies positively impact health
    outcomes and health disparities at the local, national, and global levels.
    Can you find evidence that health promotion and wellness strategies have
    had a positive effect on health outcomes and health disparities at the
    local, national, and global levels?
  • Support
    your work with valid scholarly resources.

Requirements (Part II Only)

You are required to submit your assignment
(Part II only) to the Turnitin source matching tool. After receiving your
Turnitin report, make sure you submit both the report and your Health Promotion
and Disease Prevention paper, along with your piece of literature or education
program or event summary, in the assignment submission area. Submitting your assignment to Turnitin does not mean
you have submitted it to the instructor.

Read the Health Promotion & Disease
Prevention Scoring Guide to understand how you will be graded on this

Unit 7 Assignment 1 Latest 2017 March

Quality, and Informatics



For this assignment, you will identify a major
patient safety issue within your own organization and then develop a plan using
evidence-based best practices and technology to improve the safety issue. In
this component, you will be demonstrating your competency in Program Outcomes
2, 3, 4, and 6:

  • Program Outcome 2:Safety and
    Quality Practices: Incorporate concepts of patient safety, clinical
    management, and quality improvement to improve patient outcomes.
  • Program Outcome 3:Nursing Research
    and Informatics: Incorporate evidence-based practice interventions (such
    as information systems or patient care technologies) as appropriate for
    managing the acute and chronic care of patients promoting health across
    the lifespan.
  • Program Outcome 4:Policy, Finance,
    and Regulations: Understand the scope and role of policy, finance, and
    regulatory environments in relationship to individual and population
  • Program Outcome 6:Organizational
    and Systems Management: Apply knowledge of organizational behavior,
    nursing theory, and systems (micro and macro) as appropriate for the scope
    and role of one’s own practice.

Before you begin, examine your organization’s
history of safety in a specific area, and how your organization addresses
patient safety issues. If possible, consult with a key stakeholder in the
organization (such as an administrator) to better understand specific patient
safety concerns and how the organization is working to resolve the concerns.
This person should also be able to discuss some of the organizational barriers
impacting the patient safety issue. Next, look at the basic concepts,
principles, and practices that contribute to organizational quality improvement
and patient safety. Review the literature for best practices and how technology
might be used to improve the issue. Finally, be sure to consider the legal and
ethical implications associated with the safety issue; and possible
organizational barriers to change.


Be sure you address each point as completely
as possible.

  • Describe
    a patient safety issue within your organization.
  • Compare
    the way your organization addresses patient safety issues with the
    concepts, principles, and practices that contribute to quality improvement
    and patient safety.
  • Analyze
    the legal and ethical consequences of not addressing the issue.
  • Recommend
    evidence-based interventions to address the patient safety issue.
  • Explain
    how technology can be used to improve the issue.
  • Identify
    possible organizational barriers to change (budget, vision, technology, or
  • Describe
    strategies to overcome organizational barriers to change, based on your
    knowledge of the organization.

Your completed assignment should be 8–10 pages
in length not including title page and reference page, and include references
and citations to at least 5 scholarly and professional supporting resources. Be
sure you follow APA guidelines for format and style.


  • Include
    a title page and reference page.
  • At
    least 5 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • All
    references formatted according to APA guidelines.
  • Times
    New Roman font, 12 point.
  • Double-spaced.

Read the Safety, Quality, and Informatics
Scoring Guide see how you will be graded on this assignment.

You are required to submit your assignment
(Part II only) to the Turnitin source matching tool.

After receiving your Turnitin report make sure
you submit both the report and your Safety, Quality, and Informatics paper in
the assignment submission area. Submitting your
assignment to Turnitin does not mean you have submitted the assignment to the

Unit 9 Assignment 1 Latest 2017 March

Regulation, and Organizational Behavior


In this assignment, you will investigate your
organization’s compliance rate with one specific core measure of your choice.
You must be able to explain the financial implications associated with the
measure, as well as its importance in terms of policy, regulation, and finance.
This is another good opportunity to consult with a key stakeholder within the
organization. Talking to someone who works closely with the organization’s
finances can help you develop a deeper understanding of the financial aspects
of compliance. You also need to suggest ways your organization can improve
compliance and how you would implement changes and overcome obstacles.

This may seem like an enormous undertaking,
but you should approach it as if you would present this information to your
supervisor or manager. Keeping in mind that people in these positions do not
have time to read a 10–12 page report, you would typically give them only an
executive summary of your analyses and recommendations. That means that you
will need to be very clear and very concise with the information you choose to
include in the executive summary. Say as much as possible with as few words as
possible. This component will measure your proficiency in Program Outcomes 4,
6, and 9:

  • Program Outcome 4:Policy, Finance,
    and Regulations: Understand the scope and role of policy, finance, and
    regulatory environments in relationship to individual and population
  • Program Outcome 6:Organizational
    and Systems Management: Apply knowledge of organizational behavior,
    nursing theory, and systems (micro and macro) as appropriate for the scope
    and role of one’s own practice.
  • Program Outcome 9:Professional
    Role: Incorporate the qualities, skills, behaviors, and knowledge required
    to function as a patient advocate, practice high quality care, assess and
    evaluate patient outcomes, and provide leadership in improving care.


For this assignment, you will write a 2–3-page
executive summary that analyzes the financial and regulatory impact of
organizational compliance with a specific core measure of your choice, and
includes recommendations for improving performance on the measure.

Select a core measure and investigate your
organization’s compliance rate with the measure. In your executive summary be
sure to address the following:

  • Compare
    the compliance rates of your organization with other organizations.
  • Identify
    the financial implications associated with the measure.
  • Explain
    why the measure is important in terms of policy, regulation, and finance.
  • Describe
    changes that could be made that would improve compliance with the measure.
  • Identify
    the people who would be affected by the changes.
  • Outline
    a plan to implement the changes within the organization.
  • Identify
    obstacles you would expect to encounter.
  • Explain
    your strategies for overcoming obstacles.

You must still reference scholarly resources
to support your work, but this is an executive summary; it should notbe formatted in APA style (you must include a
title page reference page). It may be helpful for you to review the documents used
in your organization. How do they look? What kind of language is used in memos?
These can help guide your development of this executive summary. And certainly
feel free to use bullet points as appropriate.


  • The
    executive summary should be no more than 2–3 pages(not including
    title and reference page).
  • Include
    a title page and reference page.
  • At
    least 3 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Times
    New Roman font, 12 pt.

You are required to submit your assignment to
the Turnitin source matching tool. After receiving your Turnitin report make
sure you submit Parts 1 and 2 in the assignment submission area. Submitting your assignment to Turnitin does not mean
you have submitted the assignment to the instructor.

Read the Policy, Regulation, and
Organizational Behavior Scoring Guide to see how you will be graded on this

Unit 10 Assignment 1 Latest 2017 March

Development Portfolio



This is the final portion of your capstone
project. Your Professional Development Portfolio will be a compilation of
specific artifacts that should be suitable to present at a job interview or
performance review.

Please note that you will not be evaluated on
the four previous assignments; you will only be evaluated on your written
summary. But be sure that you submit your entire portfolio.

This component demonstrates your proficiency
in program outcomes 5, and 9.

  • Program Outcome 5:Communication:
    Communicate effectively with all members of the healthcare team, including
    interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration for quality
  • Program Outcome 9: Professional
    Role: Incorporate the qualities, skills, behaviors, and knowledge required
    to function as a patient advocate, practice high quality care, assess and
    evaluate patient outcomes, and provide leadership in improving care.

Compile your artifacts from the four previous
assignments into a professional portfolio that you might share with a prospective
employer, or a supervisor or manager. Imagine that you are either applying for
a new position, advocating for a new role, or preparing for a year-end review.

When applying for a new position, or
advocating for a new role, it is helpful to anticipate the sorts of things a
decision maker might be looking for in evaluating you for that particular
position or role and to rehearse your responses.

For your capstone project, you will submit
your Professional Development Portfolio, and include a written summary of your
proficiency in the format of interview questions and answers. To accomplish

  • Prepare
    your Professional Development Portfolio. Include all of the artifacts from
    this course.
  • Prepare
    a written summary of your proficiency in the format of interview questions
    and answers as follows:

1. Briefly
describe a position, role, or project you would like to apply for or
participate in. Alternately, imagine that you are preparing for a performance

2. List
the questions that you imagine you might be posed. Respond to each question,
highlighting accomplishments from your portfolio that demonstrate your level of

3. Continue
with a succinct summary of the qualities, skills, behaviors, and knowledge your
bring to the tasks of patient advocacy, the practice of high quality care, the
ability to assess and evaluate patient outcomes, and the leadership skills
needed to provide improved patient care. (This should be 1–2 paragraphs in

4. Conclude
with a statement that reflects your understanding of the role of lifelong
learning in your career goals.

Submit your Professional Development Portfolio
and your interview questions and answers to your instructor for grading.


  • Times
    New Roman font, 12 pt. Double-spaced.
BSN4020 Full Course Latest 2017 March

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