Assessment 2: Community Development Project Plan
DUE DATE: Thursday 7 th of June, 2018
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Imagine you are a community development worker in a non-government organization in your city (I live Nightcliff in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia). You have been working closely with one section of the community for just over a year (this is up to you, it could beolder people, young people, a particular ethnic group, recently arrived immigrants, public housing residents, Indigenous people, people with a disability, new parents – just select one that interests you).
This section of the community has identified that they are concerned about increasing crime and violence in the city, and they would like to work together to change things.
Develop a project plan for a community development project that would help this part of the community address their concerns.
You can be creative in the type of crime and/or violence your community targets, the kind of project you are describing, and how it would operate.
A project plan is written up in prose style (like an essay), but uses headings to divide the information into clear sections so the reader can easily understand what the project is. Use the headings listed below.
References will be needed (most likely in sections headed 5,7,9 and 11). The Reference list is not included in the word limit.
Use the following headings in your project plan
- Name of Project
- Brief Summary of the Project (no more than 100 words)
- Aim(s) of the Project
- Why this Project is needed
- Community work approach or model
- Project objectives, strategies and activities
- Evaluation
- Budget
- Potential funding sources
- Project timeline
- Limitations and weaknesses of the project
- References
Word processed document, 12 point font, double line spacing. Submit via Learnline.
You will receive a mark out of 100
The assessment is worth 40% of your total mark for this unit.
Assessment criteria
· Project plan follows the 12 heading format provided and the presentation guidelines (Weight: 10%)
· Project idea and aims are clearly stated – and suit a community work approach (Weight: 10%)
· Community work model or approach is well defined and a rationale for its selection is provided (Weight: 20%).
· Strategies and activities are designed to meet the objects of the project (Weight: 20%).
· Evaluation ideas or tools are able to demonstrate the extent to which the project aims and outcomes have been achieved (Weight: 10%).
· Project budgeting and potential project funding sources are explained (Weight: 10%).
· Critical analysis of the limitations and weakness of your project plan and approach/model (Weight: 10%).
· Use of at least five (5) references and consistent use of a referencing system (preferably APA 6th) (Weight: 10%).
Lecturer’s tips: have to follow them or else no marks will be given.
Ø Please stick to what is required (i.e. imagine you are a community development worker in non-government organization in your city. You have been working with one section of the community for just over a year. This section of the community has identified that they are concerned about INCREASING CRIME AND VIOLENCE IN THE CITY AND THEY WOULD LIKE TO WORK TOGETHER TO CHANGE THINGS).
Ø Keeping to this fundamental question, you can choose which group/community you would like to work with. For example, if you currently live in Nightcliff you may choose to work with youth in the community of Nightcliff to address youth crime. Or if you currently live in Melbourne you may choose to work with migrant communities in inner city Melbourne to address domestic/family violence. Or if you are currently living in Brisbane you may choose to work with a community located in a housing estate in Brisbane to address community violence.
Ø When choosing a location/community, please find the appropriate evidence to back up any claims around the level of crime and violence in the community. For example, if you are making the claim that youth crime is high in Darwin, back it up with evidence. This evidence could come from the ABS, newspapers, reports or journal articles.
Ø With Section 5, you can choose any model/s from Rothman, Twelvetree and Stepney and Popple. Whichever model/s you choose just make clear in your writing what you are doing. You can use just one model or you can use a combination of models. For example, you may find that you want to start your project using a community development model (Rothman), and then phase in a community education model (Stepney and Popple), and finally the influences approach by Twelvetree. Or you may find that you only use a social action model (Rothman). What model you choose to use will depend on what would be the best fit for your community/scenario.
Ø For Sections 7 (Evaluation), 8 (Budget) and 9 (Potential Funding Sources) refer to Chapter 9 (Funding and Research) of the Kenny/Connors textbook for assistance. Here are two additional resources that may help to complete these sections including:
o Go to Step 6: Consider Funding; Step 8: Monitor and Evaluate and the Full Checklist of Questions to Consider (but only look at the questions concerning funding and evaluations). These chapters will help you think about how you can answer Sections 7, 8, and 9.
o Once again just go to the Budget/Resources and Evaluation chapters to help with your assessment. This document also has a budget template to help you to think about what you may want to include.
Readings: Have to used or else no marks will be given
Ø Twelvetrees, A. (2008). Introduction: What is Community Work? (Chapter 1) Community Work, 4th ed. Palgrave, Basingstoke. Pages 1-18.
Ø Hardcastle,Powers and Wenocur (2004) ‘Theory-based, Model-based Community Practice (Chapter 2, pp 33-60)’ in Community Practice: Theories and Skills for Social Workers. 2nd Ed,Oxford University Press, New York.
Ø Rothman J., (1995) ‘Approaches to Community Intervention’ p26-63 in Jack Rothman and Johan Tropman (eds) Strategies of Community Intervention: Macro Practice, 5th Edn, Peacock, Illinois.
Ø Stringer, Ernest T (2007) Action Research, 3rd Edition, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks. (Chapter 7, Strategic Planning for Sustainable Change and Development, pages 145-167)
Ø Yeneabat, M & Butterfield, A.K. (2012)”We can’t eat a road: Asset-Based Community Development and the Gedam Sefer Community Partnership in Ethiopia.” Journal of Community Practice, 20 (1-2),pp 134-153
Ø Mendes (2002) ‘Social workers and the ethical dilemmas of community action campaigns lessons from the Australian State ofVictoria. Community Development Journal, Vol37, No. 2, April pp 157-166.
Ø Chaplin, A. (2010)Social movements in Bolivia: from strength to power. Community Development Journal, Vol 45 (3) pp 346-355
Ø Ife, J (2010) ‘Definitions and imperatives of community development’ (Chapter 1). Human Rights from Below. Cambridge. Melbourne.
Ø Anckermann, S., Dominguez, M., Soto, N., Kjaerulf, F., Berliner, P. and Naima Mikkelsen, E. (2005), Psycho-social support to large numbers of traumatized people in post-conflict societies: an approach to community development in Guatemala. J. Community. Appl. Soc. Psychol., 15: 136–152. doi: 10.1002/casp.811
Ø Communities of hope : a strengths-based resource for building community.Wayne McCashen;[commissioned by Anglicare Australia]. – Bendigo, Vic. : St Luke’s Innovative Resources, 2004.
Ø Wood, J., Savaiano, P (2009) ‘Room to read: the democratization of literacy’ in Stout, C.E. (ed) The new humanitarians: Inspiration, innovations and blueprints for visionaries, Vol 2, Praeger. Westport. pp 15-30.
Ø Taylor, J., Edwards, J., Champion, S., Cheers,S., Chong, A., Cummins, R and Cheers, B (2012) ‘Towards a Conceptual understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and Community Functioning’. Community Development Journal, Vol 47 No 1, January 2012. Pp 94-110
Ø Lee, J.A.B. (2001) Empowerment in global perspective:social and economic justice for all (Chapter 14) / Judith A.B. Lee. The empowerment approach to social work practice : building the beloved community /Judith A.B. Lee. – 2nd ed. – New York : Columbia University Press, pp 396-432. Here’s the new link to this article;
Ø Gilchrist ,A. (2000) The well-connected community: networking to the ‘edge of chaos’. Community Development Journal, Vol 35, no. 3 July.
Ø Ennis, G. & West, D. (2014). Community development and umbrella bodies: Networking for neighbourhood change. British Journal of Social work. Vol 44, Issue 6.
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