Arthur Anderson: Questionable Accounting Practices
Arthur Andersen LLP was founded in 1913, and for over 90 years, the company would have become one of the “Big Five” largest accounting and auditing firms in the United States with the same standard comparable to PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte & Touche, KPMG and Ernst & Young. In the 80s, Arthur Anderson name was synonymous with integrity, trust, and ethics. Such values are critical to the success of firms charged with auditing and firms confirming a company’s financial statement, whose accuracy of a company’s financial statements generally influence investor’s investment decision. (Ferrell, Linda, 2012).
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Write My Essay For Me!In the 1990s, Arthur Anderson became one of the fastest growing accounting and auditing firms in the United States with huge financial success during the period. However, starting from 2001, the company faced several lawsuits for accounting irregularities. In May 2001, “the company paid $110 million to…… [Read More]
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Business Ethics Issues a Company’s
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Words: 1800Length: 6 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 66593039
On the other hand, applicable laws do have authority and under the concept of moral relativism, it may be justified that any duly passed law be complied with (Svensson & Wood, 2008).
One lesson from this case might be that laws between entities in different sovereign nations can be much harder to enforce than laws between entities within the same nation. In the future, Pakistan and other nations might want to make sure that their contractual agreements contain mechanisms that make them enforceable across international borders. On a broader level, another lesson might be that ill-gotten gains should not be promoted by governments in the first place. Those who believe in the supremacy of divine law might consider the position in which Pakistan found herself to be an example of God’s reminding us of the obligation to conduct ourselves ethically toward our fellow man.
Creffield, Lisa. “Why you can’t…… [Read More]
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Humans Information Technology It Managers
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Words: 2030Length: 7 PagesDocument Type: Research PaperPaper #: 21880258
Managers may engage in fraudulent activities by selling company information or details of customers. The manager improperly accesses the company’s it system to alter values for citation issued. Fraud is an illegal activity, and the manager that is choosing the bribing vendor over the other vendors is just very wrong. “Most commonly used types of bribes are cash, travel and entertainment rewards,” as noted by Dillon (2008, p. 37). Once the it managers are affiliated with the unscrupulous vendors, the vendors do not need to be concerned about remaining competitive because they will be almost certain to be awarded new contracts or continuations of existing contracts, and they may even raise the prices that are charged to the organization in order to cover the costs of paying off the managers, a practice that is particularly commonplace in larger organizations. In this regard, Dillon (2008) adds that, “In very large firm…… [Read More]
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Deceptive Marketing
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Words: 1595Length: 5 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 64814341
Deceptive Marketing
Unethical Practices in Marketing: Deceptive Marketing
Business ethics requires that business organizations should act in a manner that is morally and ethically upright. One of the areas where ethical behavior is crucial is marketing. Marketing is one of the major functions within an organization. It is basically concerned with communicating and reaching out to customers in an attempt to promote products, services, and/or brands. Nonetheless, unethical behavior in marketing is not a rare phenomenon. There are often instances of misleading or deceptive advertising, exaggerated claims, using fear tactics, spamming, exploitation, and other practices that fit the unethical tag. If not addressed, these practices can in the long run affect an organization’s reputation. Deceptive marketing is one of the common forms of unethical behavior within the marketing realm. This paper discusses this practice. Following a definition of deceptive marketing, the paper pays attention to regulations for deceptive marketing and…… [Read More]
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Business Ethics Focus on Merrill Lynch According
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Words: 4347Length: 15 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 77292009
Business Ethics Focus on Merrill Lynch
According to Laura Hartman and her co-writer, Joe Desjardins in the work entitled “Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility” philosophical ethics may be clearly differentiated from theological ethics because theological ethics attempted to disseminate the well-being of an individual on a religious basis while the ethics of an individual’s philosophy is such that provisions of justifications that can be applied to all people regardless of their religious starting points. (paraphrased) In other words, there is always a reason for doing the ethical thing in business from a philosophical view without religion even having to enter into the discussion because ethics in business are rational, honest and in the end more profitable to all stakeholders in terms of the ROI or return on investment.
It is certain that individuals such as Bernie Madoff and those at the helm of companies such…… [Read More]
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Ethics in Technology
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Words: 1965Length: 6 PagesDocument Type: Research PaperPaper #: 70350510
Ethics in Technology
Business – Management
The purpose of this paper is to highlight and present the ethical issues that are involved in using modern technology. The paper highlights some of the current ethical issues faced by computer users that are due to unethical practice and lack of proper ethical policies by different businesses. The paper pinpoints the causes and gives recommendation on how the current issues can be minimized. A portion of this paper also consists of lawsuits that have recently occurred due to unethical practices adopted by businesses.
Ethics in Technology
We live in a modern era, the era of modern technology and innovation. Our lives are encircled by modern creations. These technology and advancement have surely brought comfort and ease in our life but unfortunately, the use of modern technology has also given rise to many ethical problems out of which few are a topic of discussion…… [Read More]
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Healthcare Reform Simkins v Moses H Cone
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Words: 1897Length: 5 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 60711277
Healthcare Reform
“Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital”
The case of Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital was a case that attempted to end the segregation of African-American and Whites in the U.S. hospitals and medical professions as a whole. The case challenged the use of public funds to maintain and expand the segregated hospital care in the United States. Source of the laws related to the case are:
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
The Hill-Burton Act (Hospital Survey and Construction Act) of 1946.
The executive, legislative and judicial branch of government played important roles in the case. The judicial branch of government interpreted the law and declared the case in favor of Simkins. The legislative branch of government passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to end all form segregation in the United States while the executive branch of government implemented the Acts.…… [Read More]
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Understanding Business Ethics
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Words: 839Length: 3 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 82200164
Business Ethics
A corporate ethics officer is a relatively new position in terms of modern corporate structure. However, in an age of such ethical uncertainty, this position is becoming more necessary than ever thought of. Overall, the ethics officer has three major roles in the corporation: company security, counselor, and compliance officer.
First and foremost, ethics officers are a major part of any corporation’s security force. Essentially, “an ethics officer is the first line of defense for the firm as it relates to company security” (Stanwick & Stanwick, 2013, p 243). From this position, ethics officers must have both technical and business experience to be able to understand security issues as they arise and respond with swift and efficient actions. Breaches in security and ethics are thus tied in the modern work environment. Thus, “the ethics officer is responsible for making sure that appropriate actions are taken if unethical activity…… [Read More]
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Marketing Research Ethics in the
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Words: 3027Length: 10 PagesDocument Type: Term PaperPaper #: 23068959
Cigarettes became popular among World War soldiers as “soldier’s smoke (Randall 1999).” Camel held 45% of the U.S. cigarette market by 1923 while Philip Morris produced women’s cigarette, described as “mild as May.” The American Tobacco Company produced Lucky Strike for women and captured 38% of the market. The number of female teenage smokers increased three times between 1925 and 1935 alone. In the spirit of competition, the American Tobacco Company in 1939 launched Pall Mall, which made it the largest tobacco company in the U.S. Cigarette sales went up higher during World War II when cigarettes even became part of soldiers’ C-rations with food. Tobacco companies sent free cigarettes to soldiers at war. When they went home, they were a steady source of income to these companies. Alongside in the 50s, more and new evidence about the link between smoking and lung cancer was turning up. Tobacco companies first…… [Read More]
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British American Tobacco Company Business Ethics the
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Words: 2883Length: 9 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 27657950
British American Tobacco Company: Business Ethics
The British American Tobacco company is a multinational company with over 200 brands that they have developed under the guidance; the company is staggeringly successful, selling 694 billion cigarettes in 2012 ( The worldwide company sees itself, and many would argue, rightfully so, as a powerful forces that has stimulated economies all over the globe in lasting and measurable ways: in 2012, the company’s “subsidiaries enabled governments worldwide to gather more than £30 billion in duty, excise and sales taxes on our products, more than seven times the Group’s profit after tax” ( Being a stimulus to the economy and a pillar of economic stability is something that company prides itself on: British American Tobacco has 44 factories in 39 countries, employing 55,000 people worldwide in a massive multicultural workforce (
The company claims that it gives each local factory a tremendous amount of…… [Read More]
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Code of Silence Breeding Ground
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Words: 1255Length: 4 PagesDocument Type: ThesisPaper #: 5775811
In their examination of whistle-blowing practices — i.e. instances where the code of silence was willingly and voluntarily broken — in law enforcement agencies, Rothwell & Baldwin (2007) identified several factors that appear to have a large effect on individual officers’ adherence to the code of silence. Surprisingly, tenured officers are more likely to report misconduct to superiors and others, largely because they have less to fear in the way of occupational and career-affecting reprisals (Rothwell & Baldwin 2007).
At first, this appears to be an encouraging sign — officers that hold higher positions within the various law enforcement agencies are more likely to ensure that their peers and the officers underneath them adhere to the ethical practices expected of them. Yet these findings also show that younger or less tenured officers still perceive the code of silence as a way of getting ahead, suggesting that this code still provides…… [Read More]
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Accounting Industry Has Been Facing Increasing Amounts
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Words: 622Length: 2 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 72068034
accounting industry has been facing increasing amounts of scrutiny. This is because a number of high profile scandals (i.e. Enron and World Com) were brought to attention of regulators (based upon the need for increasing oversight in this area). As a result, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was implemented. However, since this law was first enforced, a number of firms are claiming that its restrictions are an added burden (for large multinational corporations). This is creating situations where individuals could still engage in unethical practices. To fully understand what is happening requires looking at potential conflicts. Once this takes place, is when it will highlight the impact of these activities on firms.
The Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on Financial Statements
The effect of Sarbanes-Oxley on financial statements is that it is forcing firms to provided added disclosures to investors. This occurs with the CEO and CFO certifying under oath that the…… [Read More]
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Psychiatry Electroconvulsive Therapy Electroconvulsive Therapy
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Words: 4067Length: 13 PagesDocument Type: Research PaperPaper #: 34718744
Evidence has been cited suggesting that ECT is particularly efficacious with psychotic depression. Experimental research and reviews of the literature tend to conclude that ECT is either equal or superior to antidepressant medication in the treatment of severe depression. In one study both depressed men and women were helped by ECT, but women tended to improve more with ECT than with imipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant. Men tended to improve more with imipramine. Both men and women improved more with ECT than with phenalzine, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). It has been suggested that MAOIs and serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may be less clinically effective than heterocyclic antidepressants for severe depression. Thus, ECT’s favorable comparison with imipramine is a strong endorsement.
Adverse Effects
The side effect of ECT that has received the most attention is memory loss. ECT results in two kinds of memory loss. The first involves quick forgetting of…… [Read More]
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Sustainability and Peter Drucker
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Words: 1192Length: 4 PagesDocument Type: EssayPaper #: 86790958
Sustainability of Britt Coffee
Sustainability is a huge word in business today. It is an admirable goal for business to make promises to lower their carbon footprint. Yet, it is the businesses that take this mission and align it with strategic financial goals that illustrate the theories of the late Peter Drucker in action. Drucker believed that without taking care of its operations first, there is no way a business could really be socially responsible in any other meaningful way. Thus, for modern businesses to be successful in their sustainability strategies, they must also be successful in their strategic operational strategies. The health of the business always comes first, according to Drucker, and then the health of their social responsibility and sustainability efforts will come after. This can be seen in the strategy of Britt Coffee, a company that in many ways combines its effort to gain a competitive advantage…… [Read More]
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Global Cultural Analysis Nigeria
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Words: 5263Length: 16 PagesDocument Type: Term PaperPaper #: 25995575
Global Business Cultural Analysis
Nigerian History
Synopsis of Nigerian government
Nigerian monarchy to presidential system
The evolution of Nigeria from British control to a civilian democratic government
Nigerian major commodities
The major elements and dimensions of culture in Nigeria
Cultural dimensions
Power distance
Model of culture
Universalism or Particularize
How is the integration of elements and dimensions that Nigerians doing business in the country?
The effects of governments on the prospects for its business around the world
How the elements and dimensions compared with the United States, culture, and business?
The role of women in the workplace
Business visitors must be dressed in an elegant and tie (for men!)
Cross-cultural business transactions between the United States and Nigeria
Thurstan Shaw and Steve Daniels, who are the founder for archaeological research proved in their research that Nigeria has been developed since 9,000…… [Read More]
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