Capella 4040 Assessment 2
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2: Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality Best Practices
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NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 2
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Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality Best Practices
Federal legislation known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed in 1996 and gives people rights and protections in relation to their health information (CDC, 2018). Also, it establishes guidelines for how businesses that deal with health information should use and disclose protected health information (PHI). Any information on a person’s past, present, or future physical or mental health that is generated or obtained by a healthcare provider, health plan, public health authority, employer, or other entity in charge of providing healthcare services is considered protected health information (HIPAA, 2018). Names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, residences, account numbers, clinical details, and diagnoses are some of the data that fall under this category.
Insightful Summary of Laws Related to PHI
The HIPAA Security Rule provides national requirements to safeguard electronic PHI (ePHI) (Gatehouse, 2020). The Rule mandates that covered entities put in place necessary protections to prevent unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure of ePHI. When unprotected PHI is compromised, covered entities are required under the HIPAA Breach Notification Rule to inform the affected persons (Heath et al., 2021). Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and, in some circumstances, the media must be notified by covered entities according to the Rule. The HIPAA Enforcement Rule outlines the steps HHS must follow in order to look into and punish organizations that break the HIPAA Rules. This involves enforcing sanctions for non-compliance, such as civil monetary fines, remedial action plans, and potential legal action (Moore & Frye, 2019).
Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality Best Practices
The rules described above give the multidisciplinary team a thorough basis for safeguarding the privacy of sensitive electronic health information. These regulations require that covered companies put in place reasonable and necessary protections to keep ePHI from being accessed, used, or disclosed without authorization. The statutes also provide processes for HHS to take legal action against companies that violate the HIPAA Rules and give people rights over their PHI.
Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial to protecting sensitive electronic health information (ePHI) because it enables many stakeholders to cooperate to ensure patient data security and compliance with data privacy and security laws. Organizations may better understand the dangers involved in managing ePHI and develop measures to secure it by applying the knowledge of several disciplines (Beckmann et al., 2021).
For instance, a privacy officer, IT staff, legal counsel, and a health information management specialist, can be on an interdisciplinary team of specialists. Capella 4040 Assessment 2. This group may assist a healthcare company in creating policies and processes to safeguard ePHI, such as putting in place the proper access controls and encryption to guarantee that only authorized people have access to the data. The group may assist the company in developing a reaction strategy in the event of a data breach (Beckmann et al., 2021).
Evidence-Based Approaches to Mitigate Risk to Patients and Healthcare Staff
Here are some strategies for minimizing risks for patients and medical personnel while utilizing social media that contains sensitive electronic health information (Health, 2022).
- Create a social media policy with rules for interacting with patients on social media and limitations on the sharing of private information.
- Use secure communications, and such services should be HIPAA compliant and encrypted to assure data safety.
- Educate employees on the dangers of social media use and the necessity of safeguarding private electronic health records.
- Check social media accounts for improper information and make sure that staff members are complying with the rules and regulations.
- Just those people who require access to do their jobs should have access to sensitive electronic health information.
- Use authentication procedures to confirm the identity of anybody accessing sensitive data.
- Construct auditing and monitoring mechanisms to identify any illegal access or attempted access to sensitive information.
- Keep abreast with the most recent best practices for safeguarding private electronic health information.

Capella 4040 Assessment 1
Capella 4040 Assessment 1 : Nursing Informatics in Health Care
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Capella University
Capella 4040 Assessment 1
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What is Nursing Informatics?
Nursing informatics (NI) is appearing as a new concept. It is important to define nursing informatics to direct the role of nursing informaticist for nurses who are eager to go into this field. This will enable them to take a direction in practice, education, training, and research. Nursing Informatics (NI) is defined by the Australian College of Nursing as the field of nursing science which is formed by the integration of diverse information and analytical sciences. The NI aims at finding, defining, arranging, and communicating information, data, wisdom, and knowledge in the clinical nursing practice. It involves the use of three well-secured scientific areas including information science, computer science, and nursing science (Harerimana et al., 2021).
NI has multiple perspectives at different levels as an independent career. It is far more than merely utilizing health technologies. Nursing informatics expertise has significantly grown over the last three decades among the health care systems and nursing practices. A study reported against the literature available on NI showed various nursing informatics competencies such as nursing informatics expertise for students, novice nurses, or generalist nurses, competencies related to nursing informatics for nurses with specific duties, suggestions for agreement on describing basic nursing informatics expertise globally and estimating the competencies of nursing informatics in future with emerging nursing responsibilities (Kleib et al., 2021).
Role of Nurses in Nursing Informatics
Nurses play an important role in the continuum of care in healthcare organizations and makeup one of the biggest health services providers. Moreover, nurses are responsible for information exchange and patient data transmission within the healthcare organization to enhance cooperation and collaboration among other healthcare professionals. Nowadays nurses work as nurse informaticists by directly involving in information systems and information technology for performing various functions. They use IT services for evidence-based practices, clinical decision support (CDS) systems, and electronic health records (EHR).
According to American Nursing Informatics Association, nurses who are specialized in informatics utilize nursing, computer, and information science for the collection, processing, and management of data. This collected data then provides the rules of nursing, clinical care, education, and research and generates nursing knowledge. This leads to better patient care provision and improved patient health outcomes (Zareshahi et al., 2022). Nurse informaticists also serve as educators, connectors, and advocators by using multiple strategies such as communicating system updates, describing the use of telehealth, connecting healthcare professionals to resources, assisting in education, and finding IT inaccuracies (Strudwick et al., 2019). By the identification of statistics related to patient data and health outcomes and conveying the results of these statistics to nurses and other healthcare professionals, nurse informaticists can help improve patients’ health outcomes (Brixey et al., 2020).
Capella 4040 Assessment 1
Nurse informaticist promotes decision-making through direct and indirect participation in nursing responsibilities by gathering, drawing, accumulating, investigating, and predicting standardized data by the use of evolving data science rules and strategies. By the nursing records, nurse informaticist shares patient care plan and information within a healthcare organization. They are also able to communicate with other nurses and clinicians which results in better quality and continuity of care provided to patients. The growing use of electronic health record (EHR) systems are a means of expanding knowledge regarding nursing practices with the help of patient data.. Nurse informaticist also provides a positive impact on the safety of services and quality in hospitals.
This is done by decreasing the incidences of adverse drug events. The adoption of a documentation strategy by nurse informaticists is a means of providing error-free records of patients’ status and requirements at a certain time (Park & Park, 2022). Nurse informaticists can contribute to playing effective roles in nursing documentation systems and clinical decision support systems. They can also serve in the patient monitoring and observation systems to collect and evaluate patient monitoring data. Nurse informaticists can contribute to warning devices and call systems, patient follow-up, and tracking systems. Moreover, telenursing and simulations with evolving technology are also areas in which nurse informaticists can take part. In short, Nurse informaticists can optimize nursing healthcare services to further improve patient safety, patient satisfaction, quality of care, and data availability (Şendi̇r et al., 2019).
Interprofessional Collaboration of Nurse Informaticists
Nurses in general are great collaborators as they have to remain connected to health care professionals and patients to provide appropriate and accurate care treatment. They need to estimate the health improvement in patients’ disease status by continuously evaluating health outcomes. Afterward, they are to send the evaluated data to clinicians for further planning of treatment based on evaluated health outcomes. They collaborate with patients’ families, making communication one of the competencies in their professional role. Nurse informaticists specifically collaborate with healthcare professionals in terms of providing patient data and disease status. They also work with technologists for the effective working of health information systems and accurate data extraction. The teamwork of nurse informaticists with technologists, fellow informaticist nurses, registered nurses, clinicians, and lab technologists improves the quality of patient care by providing accurate patient care according to their needs (Şendi̇r et al., 2019).
In a study report, the interdisciplinary collaboration of nurse informaticists in epigenetic research showed that optimized lifestyle choices could be brought in to prevent cancer growth with the help of nurse informaticists. (Milner et al., 2023). Interdisciplinary collaboration can improve patient safety, and health outcomes as all the healthcare team members along with technologists and nurse informaticists can put in medical and non-medical joint efforts. The patient-centered care as a result of the interprofessional collaboration will optimize patient health outcomes with improved patient safety.
Need for Nurse Informaticist in Health Care Organizations
With the advancements in health information technology (HIT), healthcare organizations need to utilize the HIT in both the diagnosis-treatment systems and clinical information systems. These emerging advancements in HIT have created more roles for nurses to take upon such as nursing informatics specialists. This can enable nurses to access information, use, document, and archive them to make better clinical decisions and solve the patients’ health problems more rapidly and effectively. Therefore, nursing informaticists are crucial for any healthcare organization to recruit for improving patient health outcomes and the quality of healthcare (Sensmeier et al., 2020). These overall contributions not only improve patient care but also lessen the workload with the help of technology and improve the workflow with HIT and interdisciplinary collaboration (Freeman & Wilson, 2023).
For example, Content Management Systems (CMS) are technologies that can be used along with EHR to ameliorate data handling functions and increase workflow efficiency in nursing informatics (Ang, 2019). NI also helps secure the data by archiving sensitive data related to patients or healthcare services. This is done with the aid of HIT in the form of encrypted apps or other portals, that can be secured with passwords. Undoubtedly, the costs of recruiting a nurse informaticist are significantly higher but the return on investment is assured as the use of healthcare information technology saves financial costs that incur on documenting the record on paper. NI also helps in minimizing errors in medication and treatment which can ultimately reduce the costs to healthcare organizations (Farokhzadian et al., 2020).
Evidence-Based Strategies to Manage Protected Health Information
Health organizations should abide by the law of privacy, security, and confidentiality regarding patients’ protected health information. There are various evident ways by which nurse informaticists can secure patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI) with interprofessional collaboration. One such strategy based on evidence is blockchain-based electronic health record which is based on using hashes on every new data entry and is operated by only those who have the key to that blockchain. This results in the safe stay of data within EHR and protects patients’ PHI (Tanwar et al., 2020).
Another strategy to secure and preserve the PHI of patients is by implementing the Privacy Preserving Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (PPCP-ABE) protocol. Nursing informaticists in collaboration with other health professionals can provide the hospitals with this security scheme. This protocol can enable nursing informaticists and healthcare professionals to create the right decryption key for users and reduce the chances of leakage of patients’ protected health information (Liang et al., 2019).
Summary of Recommendations
With advancing HIT, healthcare organizations create opportunities for new roles to take for nurses. One such role is a Nursing Informatics specialized nurse who can optimize patient care and safety with the right use of HIT in nursing practices. Following are a few contributions of nurse informaticists in healthcare systems:
- They can provide services in all areas of nursing by using HIT such as utilizing EHR, CMS, telenursing, patient monitoring and observation systems, etc. (Şendi̇r et al., 2019).
- Their interprofessional collaboration with technologists and other healthcare professionals can improve security, patient safety, less workload, and lower costs to healthcare systems (Freeman & Wilson, 2023).
- NI with other healthcare teams can safeguard the protected health information of patients in a better way by using advanced strategies such as blockchain-based EHR (Tanwar et al., 2020).
- Another evolved attribute-based encryption, such as the most advanced PPCP-ABE scheme is promising in securing patient’s protected health information. (Liang et al., 2019).
Ang, R. J. (2019). Use of content management systems to address nursing workflow. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6(4).
Brixey, J., Salyer, P., & Simmons, D. (2020). Nightingale power: The advent of nursing informatics. Nursing Management, 51(7), 51–53.
Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., Hasman, A., & Ahmadian, L. (2020). Nurses’ experiences and viewpoints about the benefits of adopting information technology in health care: A qualitative study in iran. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 20(1).
Freeman, R., & Wilson, M. L. (2023). Starting at the top: Developing an informatics-competent and capable nursing workforce. Nursing Management, 54(5), 6–10.
Harerimana, A., Wicking, K., Biedermann, N., & Yates, K. (2021). Nursing informatics in undergraduate nursing education in Australia before COVID-19: A scoping review. Collegian, 29(4).
Kleib, M., Chauvette, A., Furlong, K., Nagle, L., Slater, L., & McCloskey, R. (2021). Approaches for defining and assessing nursing informatics competencies. JBI Evidence Synthesis, Publish Ahead of Print(4).
Liang, P., Zhang, L., Kang, L., & Ren, J. (2019). Privacy-preserving decentralized ABE for secure sharing of personal health records in cloud storage. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 47, 258–266.
Milner, J. J., Zadinsky, J. K., & Shiao, S. P. K. (2023). Nursing informatics and epigenetics: Methodological considerations for big data analysis. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, Publish Ahead of Print.
Park, J., & Park, J. (2022). Identifying the knowledge structure and trends of nursing informatics. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 41(1).
Şendi̇rM., Kizil, H., & Açiksöz, S. (2019). The reflection of healthcare informatics systems on nursing practices. Sakarya Üniversitesi Holistik Sağlık Dergisi, 2(1), 2–9.
Sensmeier, J., MS, M, R.-B. I., rowich, PhD, Baernholdt, R.-B. M., PhD, MPH, Carroll, R. W. M., MSN, Fields, R.-B. W., DNSc, Fong, R. V., MSN, Murphy, R. J., Omery, R. A., RN, DNSc, Rajwany, N.-B. N., & MS. (2020). Demonstrating the value of nursing care through the use of a unique nurse identifier | HIMSS. Retrieved from
Strudwick, G., Booth, R. G., Bjarnadottir, R. I., Rossetti, S. (Collins), Friesen, M., Sequeira, L., Munnery, M., & Srivastava, R. (2019). The role of nurse managers in the adoption of health information technology. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 49(11), 549–555.
Tanwar, S., Parekh, K., & Evans, R. (2020). Blockchain-based electronic healthcare record system for healthcare 4.0 applications. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 50, 102407.
Zareshahi, M., Mirzaei, S., & Nasiriani, K. (2022). Nursing informatics competencies in the critical care unit. Health Informatics Journal, 28(1), 146045822210838.
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