
Hawkins & Clinton Book Review

You must complete a book review of The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach by Hawkins & Clinton that will include 3 sections (summary, analysis, and application). Use the included template and utilize current APA citations as indicated on the template. Summary (35 points) In the summary section (at least 1 page) identify the 8–10 most important concepts of the book. That is, if you could boil down the most important points in the Hawkins & Clinton book, and explain them to a friend, what would they be? Do not just list chapter titles or book sections but summarize the main points in a way that indicates adequate understanding of the Hawkins & Clinton approach to integrative counseling. When you present your ideas, consider highlighting your main points—italics, sub-headings, etc. – to make it easier to pick out the concepts you have chosen. Analysis (15 points) In this section (approximately 1 page) consider the Module/Week 2 lecture discussion on the models of integration (you may also consult the “Comparing the 5 Views Christians Take to Psychology” PowerPoint or the “The Integration of Psychology and Christianity” document for this section) and explain how you would describe the integration approach of Hawkins & Clinton. What model of integration do you think their approach represents? Would Hawkins & Clinton identify psychological issues apart from spiritual issues, or are they all the same? How important is psychological theory and research in the Hawkins & Clinton approach? Application (20 points) In this section (at least 1 page), you must demonstrate how you would apply some of the principles discussed by Hawkins & Clinton to counseling in a human services setting. Review this description of a typical day in the life of a human services counseling professional working in a community agency: On a daily basis in your agency, you will work with clients with diagnoses of major mental illnesses, many of whom also engage in pervasive substance abuse. Your clients will have numerous dysfunctional relationships and, as a result, most will exhibit a lack of trust. Many have poor self-management skills, often neglecting to take medications, show up for work, etc. Some cannot even adequately complete activities of daily living (ADL’s). Legal problems are often part of your challenges as is homelessness. Your clients may be poor problem solvers and easily get into petty confrontations with others. As you seek to integrate psychological theory and research with biblical theology/Christian spirituality in your practice as a human services counselor, what concepts from the Hawkins & Clinton book would you be able to apply? Keep in mind that some of you will work in secular agencies, while others will work in faith-based agencies. Although you can draw in concepts from the whole book, try to focus primarily on the first 3 chapters of the Hawkins & Clinton book. Mention and explain at least 5 concepts from the text that you would find helpful as you deal with your clients. Make sure your application has taken into account the typical human services counseling needs mentioned above. Present your 5 concepts in such a way that the main points are obvious to the reader—consider using italics, or sub-headings to highlight the main points. Keep in mind that while the template with correct APA formatting is provided, you must present your ideas using professional (graduate level) writing. Writing quality/correct APA will count for 30 points of your total. Note that page length is suggested; you will not be penalized for going over the suggested length unless the longer length reveals poor writing. Sections shorter than the suggested length may indicate inadequate content.

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